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Artikel: ​DAS ZIEL - Wofür mein Startup steht und warum ich den Blog dazu beginne

THE GOAL - What is my startup about and why I start the blog

​DAS ZIEL - Wofür mein Startup steht und warum ich den Blog dazu beginne



Mein Ziel ist, in der Lage zu sein zu entscheiden was, wann und wo ich etwas machen kann und will. Etwas, was mich mich glücklich macht - eine Firma zu gründen, die für etwas steht.
Dafür bin ich bereit hart und viel zu arbeiten. Es macht mir Spaß und ich tue es gern!

Das Ziel ist nicht das Geldverdienen. Meine Motivation ist, Produkte herzustellen, von denen ich überzeugt bin und bei denen ich es selber nicht abwarten kann, dass sie fertig werden, da ich sie für meinen Altag haben und selbst benutzen will.

Ich mache dies mit Leidenschaft und werde versuchen dabei soviel zu verdienen, dass ich dieses Leben, das mir Freude macht, finanzieren und nach meinen Wünschen gestalten kann.



Alle Produkte, die ich herstellen will, sollen ein kreatives und aktives Leben unterstützen und vereinfachen.

Meine Firma soll nicht mehrere Produkte einer Kategorie herstellen.

Stattdessen werde ich versuchen, jeweils ein Produkt in der jeweiligen Kategorie zu entwerfen und dabei alles einsetzen, um dieses Product in bestmöglichster Qualität zu gestalten.


Die letzten zehn Jahre habe ich als Fotomodel gearbeitet. Das hat mir die Möglichkeit gegeben, um die Welt zu reisen und verschiedene Kulturen nicht nur als Tourist kennenzulernen. Gelebt habe ich unter anderem in Bangkok, Hongkong, Shanghai, Singapur, Mailand, Paris, Barcelona, New York und Kapstadt. Im Moment bin ich für ein paar Monate in Sao Paulo.

Dadurch geschafft, einem normalen Alltag zu entfliehen und alle drei Monate in einer anderen Stadt, einem anderen Land und einem anderen Kontinent zu sein.

Während dieser Arbeit habe ich einen Einblick in die Fashionszene bekommen und mit wachsendem Interesse beobachten können, wie Marken aufgebaut werden.


Seit ein paar Jahren habe ich zudem die Gelegenheit bekommen, mit meinen Vater, der über viele Jahre eine Edition und Galerie - unter anderem in Köln betrieben hat - eine neue Webseite zu entwerfen, sie zu pflegen und eine eigene kleine Kunstsammlung aufzubauen.

Bei dieser Arbeit habe ich viel über die Kunst erfahren und die Schönheit und die Bedeutung von Kultur und Geschichte schätzen gelernt.

Außerdem hatte ich das Glück, sehr interessante zeitgenössische Künstler kennenzulernen.

Darüber hinaus konnte ich dabei erfahren, wie der Onlinehandel funktioniert.

Alle diese Erfahrungen werde ich in mein neues Projekt einfließen lassen.


Für einen ehrlich gemeinten Erfolg, darf dieser nicht auf Kosten anderer geschehen.

Daher werde ich alles in meiner Macht stehende tun, um sicher zu gehen, dass ich nur mit Fabriken zusammenarbeite, die ihren Angestellten faire Bezahlung und sichere Arbeitsbedingungen bieten.


In diesem Blog werde ich genau dokumentieren, wie ich zu dieser Idee gekommen bin und den Weg, meine Idee zu einem gelungenen Ergebnis zu bringen. Und dies mit allen ups and downs, einschließlich Fotos und Notizen des Entwicklungsprozesses.

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Hey there, cinnamon lovers! If you’re as obsessed with Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks as I am, you’ve got to check out this incredible resource I found. It’s like a candy shop for anyone who appreciates the magic of these little sticks.

So, what makes these toothpicks so special? For starters, they’re made from genuine Ceylon cinnamon—none of that common Cassia stuff. The difference is like night and day; Ceylon cinnamon has this sweet, delicate flavor that just elevates your toothpick game. Whether you’re into a subtle cinnamon kiss or a more intense burst of flavor, this site has you covered.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about the products. This place goes all out with tons of info on why Ceylon cinnamon is so awesome. You’ll find all the juicy details on its benefits, like how it helps with oral health and freshens up your breath. Plus, their blog is packed with creative tips on how to use these toothpicks in everyday life—think fancy cocktail garnishes or cool homemade gifts.

So if you’re curious about Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks or just want to dive deeper into the world of these spicy little wonders, this site is your new best friend. It’s got everything you need, from top-quality products to all the background info you could want. Trust me, it’s worth a visit if you’re ready to up your toothpick game!



Hey there, cinnamon lovers! If you’re as obsessed with Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks as I am, you’ve got to check out this incredible resource I found. It’s like a candy shop for anyone who appreciates the magic of these little sticks.

So, what makes these toothpicks so special? For starters, they’re made from genuine Ceylon cinnamon—none of that common Cassia stuff. The difference is like night and day; Ceylon cinnamon has this sweet, delicate flavor that just elevates your toothpick game. Whether you’re into a subtle cinnamon kiss or a more intense burst of flavor, this site has you covered.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about the products. This place goes all out with tons of info on why Ceylon cinnamon is so awesome. You’ll find all the juicy details on its benefits, like how it helps with oral health and freshens up your breath. Plus, their blog is packed with creative tips on how to use these toothpicks in everyday life—think fancy cocktail garnishes or cool homemade gifts.

So if you’re curious about Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks or just want to dive deeper into the world of these spicy little wonders, this site is your new best friend. It’s got everything you need, from top-quality products to all the background info you could want. Trust me, it’s worth a visit if you’re ready to up your toothpick game!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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Hey there, cinnamon lovers! If you’re as obsessed with Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks as I am, you’ve got to check out this incredible resource I found. It’s like a candy shop for anyone who appreciates the magic of these little sticks.

So, what makes these toothpicks so special? For starters, they’re made from genuine Ceylon cinnamon—none of that common Cassia stuff. The difference is like night and day; Ceylon cinnamon has this sweet, delicate flavor that just elevates your toothpick game. Whether you’re into a subtle cinnamon kiss or a more intense burst of flavor, this site has you covered.

But here’s the kicker: it’s not just about the products. This place goes all out with tons of info on why Ceylon cinnamon is so awesome. You’ll find all the juicy details on its benefits, like how it helps with oral health and freshens up your breath. Plus, their blog is packed with creative tips on how to use these toothpicks in everyday life—think fancy cocktail garnishes or cool homemade gifts.

So if you’re curious about Ceylon cinnamon toothpicks or just want to dive deeper into the world of these spicy little wonders, this site is your new best friend. It’s got everything you need, from top-quality products to all the background info you could want. Trust me, it’s worth a visit if you’re ready to up your toothpick game!


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Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Hey everyone!

I wanted to take a moment to share my experience with Samahan and its amazing herbal tea. I first discovered Samahan a few years ago when I was feeling under the weather. A friend recommended it, and I was curious to give it a try.

Samahan is an herbal blend from Sri Lanka, known for its unique combination of spices and herbs. The first time I brewed a cup, I was hit with this warm, comforting aroma that immediately made me feel better. It contains a mix of ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, and pepper, which not only taste great but also have soothing properties.

What I love most about Samahan tea is its versatility. I drink it when I’m feeling sick, but I also enjoy it as a cozy drink on chilly evenings. It has a bit of spice, which gives it a kick that really warms you up from the inside. Plus, it’s caffeine-free, so I can enjoy it anytime without worrying about staying up too late.

Another benefit I’ve noticed is its ability to help with digestion. After a heavy meal, sipping on Samahan really helps settle my stomach. It feels like a natural remedy that just works, and I appreciate that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.

Overall, I highly recommend giving Samahan tea a try. Whether you’re looking for a soothing drink when you’re under the weather or just want something warm and comforting, it’s definitely worth it. It’s become a staple in my pantry, and I can’t imagine my routine without it. Have any of you tried it? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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Продвижение раскрутка сайта – это процесс комплексного увеличения видимости и рейтинга веб-ресурсов в поисковых системах, таких как Google и Яндекс. Успех в SEO продвижении начинается с тщательного анализа ключевых слов, чтобы определить, какие запросы наиболее востребованы у целевой аудитории. Важно учитывать не только высокочастотные запросы, но и среднечастотные и низкочастотные, так как они могут привлечь более целевую и заинтересованную аудиторию. Оптимизация контента играет ключевую роль – он должен быть уникальным, полезным и структурированным с использованием релевантных ключевых слов. Помимо текстового контента, важно уделять внимание заголовкам, мета-тегам, альт-тегам изображений и внутренним ссылкам, которые помогут поисковым роботам лучше понять структуру и содержание сайта. Техническая оптимизация сайта также критична: улучшение скорости загрузки страниц, адаптивный дизайн для мобильных устройств и исправление ошибок кода значительно улучшают пользовательский опыт и, соответственно, рейтинг сайта. Внешняя оптимизация включает в себя работу с обратными ссылками – чем более авторитетные и тематически релевантные сайты ссылаются на ваш ресурс, тем выше его значимость в глазах поисковых систем. Важно также следить за поведением пользователей на сайте: высокие показатели времени на сайте и низкие показатели отказов говорят о том, что контент и навигация удовлетворяют потребности посетителей. Постоянный мониторинг позиций и аналитика позволяют своевременно вносить корректировки в SEO стратегию. Таким образом, продвижение раскрутка сайта требует системного подхода, включающего работу как над контентом и техническими аспектами сайта, так и над внешними факторами, влияющими на его авторитет в глазах поисковых систем.



SEO продвижение сайта в топ Москва – это комплекс мероприятий, направленных на улучшение видимости ресурса в поисковых системах для целевых запросов с целью привлечения органического трафика и повышения конверсий. Одним из ключевых аспектов успешного SEO является глубокий анализ целевой аудитории и конкурентной среды, что позволяет определить ключевые запросы и разработать стратегию продвижения. Важным фактором является техническая оптимизация сайта, включающая в себя работу над скоростью загрузки страниц, исправлением ошибок в структуре и коде, а также обеспечением мобильной адаптивности. Контентная стратегия играет значительную роль, так как уникальный и качественный контент, оптимизированный по ключевым словам, способствует высокому позиционированию в поисковой выдаче. Внутренняя и внешняя оптимизация сайта включают в себя работу с внутренними ссылками и привлечением обратных ссылок с авторитетных ресурсов, что повышает доверие поисковых систем. Социальные сигналы и поведенческие факторы пользователей также влияют на ранжирование, поэтому важно обеспечить удобный пользовательский интерфейс и высокое качество обслуживания. Регулярный мониторинг позиций и аналитика позволяют корректировать стратегию в реальном времени, достигая устойчивого роста и удерживая конкурентные позиции. Поддержание актуальности и развитие сайта требуют постоянного внимания и вложений, однако результат в виде привлеченных клиентов и повышенной прибыльности бизнеса оправдывает все усилия.



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Для успешного продвижения сайта компании важно уделять внимание локальному SEO, особенно если вы ориентированы на клиентов из конкретного региона. Локальная оптимизация помогает привлекать пользователей, которые ищут услуги или товары поблизости. Это особенно актуально для малого бизнеса, который обслуживает определенный город или район. Использование локальных ключевых слов, а также регистрация в Google My Business помогут вам улучшить видимость в поисковых системах. Кроме того, важно стимулировать клиентов оставлять отзывы о вашем бизнесе — положительные оценки повышают доверие к компании и улучшают её позиции. Узнайте больше о том, как улучшить локальное SEO, прочитав материал на странице продвижение сайтов.



?Hola a todos!

Quiero compartir mi experiencia con el marketing digital en Chile. En los ultimos anos, he descubierto lo valioso que es para conectar con los clientes y promocionar un negocio. Sin embargo, tambien he aprendido que el marketing digital puede ser complicado y cambiante, lo que hace que encontrar la agencia adecuada sea fundamental.

He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar con varias agencias y, despues de mucho investigar, puedo decir que hay algunas que realmente destacan. Aqui van mis reflexiones sobre las 5 mejores agencias de marketing digital en Chile, basadas en mi experiencia personal:

Primero, es crucial que la agencia entienda tus necesidades especificas. No todas ofrecen los mismos servicios, asi que es importante elegir una que se adapte a tu negocio. En mi caso, una de las cosas que busque fue un enfoque personalizado.

Tambien es vital que la agencia tenga un buen equipo de expertos. A menudo, trabaje con profesionales que no solo conocian las herramientas, sino que tambien estaban al tanto de las ultimas tendencias en marketing digital. Esto marco una gran diferencia en los resultados.

Ademas, la comunicacion es clave. Las mejores agencias con las que trabaje siempre estaban disponibles para responder mis preguntas y ajustaron las estrategias en funcion de lo que funcionaba y lo que no.

Finalmente, no olviden investigar los casos de exito de cada agencia. Ver ejemplos concretos de su trabajo puede darles una mejor idea de su capacidad.

En resumen, encontrar la agencia de marketing digital adecuada en Chile puede llevar tiempo, pero es una inversion que vale la pena. Espero que mis experiencias les ayuden en su busqueda. ?Exito a todos!


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